PhD Researcher -  AI & Medical Image Analysis- Auto-ID Labs, KAIST in South Korea

Lead Software Engineer - Kodelytics Pvt Ltd


I'm currently working as a PhD researcher at Auto-ID Labs, KAIST in South Korea, and as a  lead software engineer at Kodelytics Pvt Ltd.

Prior to that, I held positions as a research assistant and teaching assistant at the Embedded Systems and Pervasive Computing (EPIC) Lab at the National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (FAST) Pakistan, a lecturer in the Department of Computing at Riphah International University, and a researcher at NUST (SEECS) Pakistan.

My primary research interests are in the fields of Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Medical Image Analysis, Cloud Computing, and IoT.

In May 2022, I received my MS degree in Computer Science from the NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Pakistan, under the supervision of Muhammad Moazam Fraz. The title of my MS Thesis is: "HistoSeg : Quick attention with multi-loss function for multi-structure segmentation in digital histology images". Before that, I received a BS degree in Computer Science from Preston University, Kohat (Islamabad Campus), in June 2016.

Email:  saad.wazir(at) ,    saad.wazir(at)